May 2021 Newsletter

Happy cicada season, neighbors!

Outdoor Entertainment

Tonight at 7:00pm our ANC 6A Alcohol Beverage Licensing Committee will consider a request from the Pie Shop at 1339 H St NE to use their back patio for outdoor entertainment. See the Zoom link and agenda here. Any recommendation from ABL will go to the full ANC meeting on Thursday, June 10. As always, I welcome your comments in either of these public meetings or via email.

Outdoor entertainment is a hot topic because some neighbors in this area have indicated that loud noises from nightlife are audible inside their own homes late at night. Other neighbors in the same area have expressed beliefs that these noises are part of city living and that we ought to do more to support small businesses. I am optimistic that the other ANC members and I will be able to strike the right balance, but I’m still working to collect comments from neighbors, especially in the block around the Pie Shop.

Our decisions around the Pie Shop are likely to have implications for the rest of the H Street Corridor as more establishments look to expand outdoors. If you have any thoughts on whether we should support outdoor entertainment at all, ideal hours of operation, potential noise mitigation measures, or any other aspect of this discussion, I would love to hear from you at

All DC Residents Age 12 and Older Can Get Vaccinated

Rosedale Recreation Center in our neighborhood is offering free walk-up vaccines for all DC residents age 12 and older:

Thank you to all of the neighbors who joined the DC government’s COVID-19 vaccine awareness campaign last Saturday! I had a glorious day seeing many of you in person for the first time and knocking on doors all over the neighborhood (with distancing). We met just a few folks who are undecided on the vaccine and had thoughtful conversations. We were able to bring a few people to their first shot at Rosedale Recreation Center too!

(Two neighbors and I wearing “Take the Shot, DC” shirts)

Maryland Ave NE Construction

Why are construction crews tearing up the same sidewalks twice in a year? See updates on the simultaneous Washington Gas and District Department of Transportation projects on Maryland Ave NE here:

They are projecting a completion date of late 2021, after which Maryland Ave NE will have a new green median, bike lanes, and sidewalk extensions:

(A typical cross-section rendering of the future Maryland Ave NE with a 10’ green median: both sides of the street also have a 14’ sidewalk / tree zone, 8’ for parking, 6’ for a bike lane, and 11’ for a thru lane)

Summer Rodent Abatement

If you have a backyard or front yard, please give us a hand with rodent abatement by looking for burrow holes on your property. If you find any, report them to 311 under the category “rodent inspection” and the DC government will be able to send an inspector to bait burrow holes. The more neighbors who do this, the easier it will be to keep our alleys clean.


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