July 2021 Newsletter

Happy Friday, neighbors! 

ANC 6A is on summer recess with no full ANC meeting in early August and this month’s newsletter is short:

ANC 6A Approves Additional Outdoor Entertainment

In our June and July meetings, ANC 6A voted to allow Toki Underground, the Pie Shop, and the Gold Room (all on the 1200-1300 blocks of H St NE) to offer various forms of outdoor entertainment until 8:00pm seven days a week. The establishments may serve patrons outdoors after 8:00pm, as before, but the new options for outdoor entertainment in the early evening are a step up from what the ANC has approved in the past, when noise concerns weighed more heavily in decisions. 

Because the ANC hasn’t approved this level of outdoor entertainment before, I would love feedback anytime on how we can balance all of the factors at play in our decision here and going forward: COVID-19 safety, supporting our nightlife district, keeping noise at a reasonable level, and which establishments are being good neighbors versus which ones aren’t. 

As always, residents can still submit noise complaints through https://abra.dc.gov/page/noise-ordinances. If you aren’t satisfied with this system, please let me know.

Daru – 1451 Maryland Ave NE

If you miss Cusbah as much as I do, you’ll be excited to hear that our neighborhood is soon getting a new Indian restaurant in Daru at 1451 Maryland Ave NE. Keep on the lookout for news of their opening!

“DC Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities likely to secure funding for the first time ever!”

This Street Sense article shows how close we are to the finish line on funding the Office for Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing: https://www.streetsensemedia.org/article/dc-budget-oddhh-dc-council/ 

THANK YOU a million to everyone who has helped push for this office in one way or another. We are close to the final budget vote and if you haven’t already signed our petition in support, you can do so here: https://www.change.org/p/chairman-phil-mendelson-fund-the-establishment-of-the-dc-office-of-the-deaf-deafblind-and-hard-of-hearing-odbh 

Rodent Abatement

I’m continuing to receive positive feedback on the success of rodent abatement in 6A06. If you have a backyard or front yard, please give us a hand with rodent abatement by looking for burrow holes on your property. If you find any, report them to 311 under the category “rodent inspection” and the DC government will be able to send an inspector to bait burrow holes. The more neighbors who do this, the easier it will be to keep our alleys clean.

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